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Everything posted by Nomi

  1. View File WinRPC (WinMUGEN Discord Rich Presence) To make the RPC work for WinMUGEN, put the following files like this: devobj.dll and discord-rpc.dll in MUGEN's root directory. (Which is where the executable “winmugen.exe” is located.) Instead, the MugenRPC.dll file, in MUGEN's “plugins” folder. That's all! Once you enter these files, everything will be automatic! Thank you for downloading my RPC, I hope you enjoy it! - Nomi Submitter Nomi Submitted 09/03/2024 Category Add-ons  
  2. 5 downloads

    To make the RPC work for WinMUGEN, put the following files like this: devobj.dll and discord-rpc.dll in MUGEN's root directory. (Which is where the executable “winmugen.exe” is located.) Instead, the MugenRPC.dll file, in MUGEN's “plugins” folder. That's all! Once you enter these files, everything will be automatic! Thank you for downloading my RPC, I hope you enjoy it! - Nomi
  3. I just completed this quiz. My Score 0/100 My Time 2 seconds  
  4. Mugen version: 1.0 Download: https://nayuki.neocities.org or https://cyber-x64.blogspot.com/2013/11/chars.html BGMs: https://www.andersonkenya1.net/musicbox/play/3331-nomis-edits/ Twitter, if you wanna see some sneak peaks: https://twitter.com/nomimugen
  5. Nomi


    View File Einherjar 1.0 ONLY! Einherjar is a character created by a collab between Nomi and Cyber. It's a SuperNull:Replacer, but more precisely a proof of concept to demonstrate that CMDOF (or more correctly, CTBOF) is possible on 1.0. Obviously, 1.x has NX Bit protection, so shellcodes cannot be directly executed. It's required to use an exploit technique, known as Return-Oriented Programming (ROP), to circumvent said protection. Einherjar however, is not just any classic SuperNull, we made her as interesting as possible by using a framework, a few DLLs and many additional stuff that are not in the engine. This CTBOF is available as a template to create your SuperNull character (1.0 only) in the “Skyvesta” server on Discord or in Cyber's Database. !!WARNING!! As this exploit requires ROP chains to execute its shellcode, do not expect it to work on all the computers! Submitter Nomi Submitted 07/28/2024 Category Edited Characters  
  6. Nomi



    1.0 ONLY! Einherjar is a character created by a collab between Nomi and Cyber. It's a SuperNull:Replacer, but more precisely a proof of concept to demonstrate that CMDOF (or more correctly, CTBOF) is possible on 1.0. Obviously, 1.x has NX Bit protection, so shellcodes cannot be directly executed. It's required to use an exploit technique, known as Return-Oriented Programming (ROP), to circumvent said protection. Einherjar however, is not just any classic SuperNull, we made her as interesting as possible by using a framework, a few DLLs and many additional stuff that are not in the engine. This CTBOF is available as a template to create your SuperNull character (1.0 only) in the “Skyvesta” server on Discord or in Cyber's Database. !!WARNING!! As this exploit requires ROP chains to execute its shellcode, do not expect it to work on all the computers!
  7. Nomi



    A quick joke edit I did, very powerful. But I left a "hole" to beat her very easily. I decided to use Seija since in all, believe it or not, there is only one character of her on MUGEN. We could say that she can be the canonical Seija on MUGEN... since she loves to flip everything. Be sure not to vomit! Please do not delete or modify any files, they are all important to make the character stable. Speaking of stability, you may sometimes come across an error that says to restart MUGEN, that's because Seija's player is not initialized correctly. But don't worry, it happens a few times, you just need a little persistence with the match and it should work. Ah yes, there is also a small easter egg, good luck finding it! (If you found it, left-click where you want it on your desktop in order to stop it.)
  8. Nomi


    View File Uya-HTA Uya or... Uya-HTA in this case, is a Low Tier Postman character, meaning she starts a match by loading herself and a dead dummy to win... without modifying the enemy's files and without injecting code to the engine, nothing special right? Well... yes, postmans itself once created two and three times becomes rather boring and trivial, so I decided to update it a bit by adding functionalities, using a program that Microsoft created many years ago, namely the HTML Application (.hta). It was used to create programs for Windows using scripts and HTML. But to this day, it only serves to create malware. And I asked myself, why not use this program instead of the batch files? And indeed, that's what I did with this character. The HTA template I made, you can use it as you wish, in fact, there are no rules, it's usable and modifiable for everyone. The more experienced you are in programming, the more interesting the postman becomes... Here you can use multiple scripting languages, so choose the one you are most comfortable and capable of, maybe search to see which scripting languages you can use. In my template, I use HTML, CSS, VBS and PowerShell. And hey, be creative with the CSS and HTML! Submitter ရွှေဖြူကြိုးရုံကြောများက်ခ Submitted 06/15/2024 Category Edited Characters  
  9. Nomi



    Uya or... Uya-HTA in this case, is a Low Tier Postman character, meaning she starts a match by loading herself and a dead dummy to win... without modifying the enemy's files and without injecting code to the engine, nothing special right? Well... yes, postmans itself once created two and three times becomes rather boring and trivial, so I decided to update it a bit by adding functionalities, using a program that Microsoft created many years ago, namely the HTML Application (.hta). It was used to create programs for Windows using scripts and HTML. But to this day, it only serves to create malware. And I asked myself, why not use this program instead of the batch files? And indeed, that's what I did with this character. The HTA template I made, you can use it as you wish, in fact, there are no rules, it's usable and modifiable for everyone. The more experienced you are in programming, the more interesting the postman becomes... Here you can use multiple scripting languages, so choose the one you are most comfortable and capable of, maybe search to see which scripting languages you can use. In my template, I use HTML, CSS, VBS and PowerShell. And hey, be creative with the CSS and HTML!
  10. Nomi



    Requiem by Nomi Instakill character that focuses in some cheap characters vulnerabilities, i.e., that many authors tend not to protect. Requiem uses buffer overflows to patch MUGEN, that is, to remove the 512 controllers limit and the 2500loop error, so that the attack can run smoothly. The attack itself to defeat enemies is totally %n. However, this attack must be combined with other attacks since it's very unstable. The character is compatible for WinMUGEN and 1.1b1 only. (Requiem on 1.1b1 is somewhat weakened since it doesn't have all the functions it requires as on WinMUGEN.)
  11. Nomi


    Requiem View File Requiem by Nomi Instakill character that focuses in some cheap characters vulnerabilities, i.e., that many authors tend not to protect. Requiem uses buffer overflows to patch MUGEN, that is, to remove the 512 controllers limit and the 2500loop error, so that the attack can run smoothly. The attack itself to defeat enemies is totally %n. However, this attack must be combined with other attacks since it's very unstable. The character is compatible for WinMUGEN and 1.1b1 only. (Requiem on 1.1b1 is somewhat weakened since it doesn't have all the functions it requires as on WinMUGEN.) Submitter ရွှေဖြူကြိုးရုံကြောများက်ခ Submitted 04/14/2024 Category Melty Blood Edits  
  12. 69 downloads

    The character is faithful to the original's source code. If you try to terminate the process, it will multiply itself. And since the source code is very old, it's quite easy to terminate the processes. Just don't use Alt+F4, Ctrl and Del! The video below is the character "showcase", obviously the public version, this one, is much lighter and easier to remove. But don't underestimate it! If there are too many windows and your PC is not responding, force restart it.
  13. 35 downloads

    A proof of concept I made, to show that even nulls onwards have the ability to "destroy" a PC, not just dragon tiers. She uses E-ACE to do this, a way to execute shellcodes via variable expansion. What she does is trigger a BSOD. Once triggered, the pc will reboot and be as before. Download her only if you feel safe, although it's not dangerous. WinMUGEN only.
  14. View File i.captured.an.angel.in.my.computer A proof of concept I made, to show that even nulls onwards have the ability to "destroy" a PC, not just dragon tiers. She uses E-ACE to do this, a way to execute shellcodes via variable expansion. What she does is trigger a BSOD. Once triggered, the pc will reboot and be as before. Download it only if you feel safe, although it's not dangerous. WinMUGEN only. Submitter ရွှေဖြူကြိုးရုံကြောများက်ခ Submitted 03/15/2024 Category Original Characters  
  15. Nomi



    A joke character I made to kill time. I saw a No Context MUGEN video of Wakasagihime jumping all the time, so I decided to make it on MUGEN. The character has two buttons, the right arrow key and the left arrow key, which allow you to move. Then the rest is history.
  16. Nomi



    v0.1 My first screenpack, I found to make it as "unique" as possible. It uses 10 select.def so that you can organize with your characters. In total it has 9800 slots. Of which 980 are for each select. It also uses an external tencology for some external effects. (Ultranull + 4GB Patch) To change the select page, press these keys: [Enter + (<- or ->)]! When the select is switched, the large potrait of the already selected character will be changed. If you change select after selecting your character, you will find that the character's portrait will disappear. But no worries, the character will start normally. Tell me if there are things wrong, this is the first release! Thanks again to Take for patching the executable! And thank you, for trying my screenpack! (The screenpack itself is slow, but you can change the transition duration in the system.def!) - Nomi
  17. Nomi


    View File Oblivion v0.1 My first screenpack, I found to make it as "unique" as possible. It uses 10 select.def so that you can organize with your characters. In total it has 9800 slots. Of which 980 are for each select. It also uses an external tencology for some external effects. (Ultranull + 4GB Patch) To change the select page, press these keys: [Enter + (<- or ->)]! When the select is switched, the large potrait of the already selected character will be changed. If you change select after selecting your character, you will find that the character's portrait will disappear. But no worries, the character will start normally. Tell me if there are things wrong, this is the first release! Thanks again to Take for patching the executable! And thank you, for trying my screenpack! (The screenpack itself is slow, but you can change the transition duration in the system.def!) - Nomi Submitter ရွှေဖြူကြိုးရုံကြောများက်ခ Submitted 01/19/2024 Category Screenpacks  
  18. Nomi


    View File rF1 A strengthened version of F1, you can call it rF1, RedF1, ReinforcedF1... eh whatever you choose. The difference between F1 and rF1 is that rF1 uses %n to defeat the enemy, it has better defense than the classic F1 and of course... it's red. Obviously, the character itself does not have a very powerful attack and defense, I wanted to make it so that it was also easy to defeat, like F1. If rF1 fails to defeat the enemy (life doesn't go to 0 or time doesn't go to 0), this means that the enemy can resist this type of attack. To attack the enemy, just press ↓, or F1 directly! It's sort of a modified %nF1F5, that's all. Please use WinRAR to extract this character! Submitter ရွှေဖြူကြိုးရုံကြောများက်ခ Submitted 11/13/2023 Category Edited Characters  
  19. Nomi



    A strengthened version of F1, you can call it rF1, RedF1, ReinforcedF1... eh whatever you choose. The difference between F1 and rF1 is that rF1 uses %n to defeat the enemy, it has better defense than the classic F1 and of course... it's red. Obviously, the character itself does not have a very powerful attack and defense, I wanted to make it so that it was also easy to defeat, like F1. If rF1 fails to defeat the enemy (life doesn't go to 0 or time doesn't go to 0), this means that the enemy can resist this type of attack. To attack the enemy, just press ↓, or F1 directly! It's sort of a modified %nF1F5, that's all. Please use WinRAR to extract this character!
  20. View File Touhou Screenpack (Unmodified) This is the unedited version of Touhou Screenpack, also uploaded to perserve the original as well. For winmugen, 290 slots. Submitter ရွှေဖြူကြိုးရုံကြောများက်ခ Submitted 08/17/2023 Category Screenpacks  
  21. 367 downloads

    This is the unedited version of Touhou Screenpack, also uploaded to perserve the original as well. For winmugen, 290 slots. Modified ver:
  22. View File Touhou Screenpack This screenpack is not mine, but from a Chinese author who created it in 2013. I published it since this screenpack was very rare and it was becoming lost media. Unfortunately, we don't know the name of the screenpack, so I simply renamed it "Touhou Screenpack." (It makes many references to MUGEN's four Reimus). It only works for winmugen. The screenpack was modified by me and the following improvements are: - Fixed some sprites. - 290 slots -> 1281 slots. - Translated the most important things into English. - Some improvements in the executable. The compressed file contains everything, it's recommended not to replace the files with your current mugen. Original ver: Submitter ရွှေဖြူကြိုးရုံကြောများက်ခ Submitted 08/17/2023 Category Screenpacks  
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