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Posts posted by Nomi

  1. WinRPC (WinMUGEN Discord Rich Presence)

    To make the RPC work for WinMUGEN, put the following files like this:
    devobj.dll and discord-rpc.dll in MUGEN's root directory. (Which is where the executable “winmugen.exe” is located.)
    Instead, the MugenRPC.dll file, in MUGEN's “plugins” folder.
    That's all! Once you enter these files, everything will be automatic!
    Thank you for downloading my RPC, I hope you enjoy it!

    - Nomi


  2. Einherjar

    1.0 ONLY!
    Einherjar is a character created by a collab between Nomi and Cyber.

    It's a SuperNull:Replacer, but more precisely a proof of concept to demonstrate that CMDOF (or more correctly, CTBOF) is possible on 1.0.
    Obviously, 1.x has NX Bit protection, so shellcodes cannot be directly executed. It's required to use an exploit technique, known as Return-Oriented Programming (ROP), to circumvent said protection.
    Einherjar however, is not just any classic SuperNull, we made her as interesting as possible by using a framework, a few DLLs and many additional stuff that are not in the engine.
    This CTBOF is available as a template to create your SuperNull character (1.0 only) in the “Skyvesta” server on Discord or in Cyber's Database.

    !!WARNING!! As this exploit requires ROP chains to execute its shellcode, do not expect it to work on all the computers!





  3. Uya-HTA

    Uya or... Uya-HTA in this case, is a Low Tier Postman character, meaning she starts a match by loading herself and a dead dummy to win... 
    without modifying the enemy's files and without injecting code to the engine, nothing special right? 
    Well... yes, postmans itself once created two and three times becomes rather boring and trivial, 
    so I decided to update it a bit by adding functionalities, using a program that Microsoft created many years ago, namely the HTML Application (.hta).
    It was used to create programs for Windows using scripts and HTML. But to this day, it only serves to create malware.
    And I asked myself, why not use this program instead of the batch files? And indeed, that's what I did with this character.
    The HTA template I made, you can use it as you wish, in fact, there are no rules, it's usable and modifiable for everyone.
    The more experienced you are in programming, the more interesting the postman becomes...
    Here you can use multiple scripting languages, so choose the one you are most comfortable and capable of, maybe search to see which
    scripting languages you can use. In my template, I use HTML, CSS, VBS and PowerShell.
    And hey, be creative with the CSS and HTML!


  4. Requiem

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    Requiem by Nomi

    Instakill character that focuses in some cheap characters vulnerabilities, i.e., that many authors tend not to protect.
    Requiem uses buffer overflows to patch MUGEN, that is, to remove the 512 controllers limit and the 2500loop error, so that the attack can run smoothly.
    The attack itself to defeat enemies is totally %n.
    However, this attack must be combined with other attacks since it's very unstable.

    The character is compatible for WinMUGEN and 1.1b1 only.
    (Requiem on 1.1b1 is somewhat weakened since it doesn't have all the functions it requires as on WinMUGEN.)


  5. i.captured.an.angel.in.my.computer

    A proof of concept I made, to show that even nulls onwards have the ability to "destroy" a PC, not just dragon tiers.

    She uses E-ACE to do this, a way to execute shellcodes via variable expansion.

    What she does is trigger a BSOD. Once triggered, the pc will reboot and be as before.

    Download it only if you feel safe, although it's not dangerous.

    WinMUGEN only.



  6. Oblivion


    My first screenpack, I found to make it as "unique" as possible.
    It uses 10 select.def so that you can organize with your characters. In total it has 9800 slots. Of which 980 are for each select.
    It also uses an external tencology for some external effects. (Ultranull + 4GB Patch)
    To change the select page, press these keys: [Enter + (<- or ->)]!
    When the select is switched, the large potrait of the already selected character will be changed.
    If you change select after selecting your character, you will find that the character's portrait will disappear. 
    But no worries, the character will start normally.
    Tell me if there are things wrong, this is the first release!
    Thanks again to Take for patching the executable!
    And thank you, for trying my screenpack!

    (The screenpack itself is slow, but you can change the transition duration in the system.def!)

    - Nomi


  7. rF1

    A strengthened version of F1, you can call it rF1, RedF1, ReinforcedF1... eh whatever you choose.
    The difference between F1 and rF1 is that rF1 uses %n to defeat the enemy, it has better defense than the classic F1 and of course... it's red. :)
    Obviously, the character itself does not have a very powerful attack and defense, I wanted to make it so that it was also easy to defeat, like F1.
    If rF1 fails to defeat the enemy (life doesn't go to 0 or time doesn't go to 0), this means that the enemy can resist this type of attack.

    To attack the enemy, just press ↓, or F1 directly!
    It's sort of a modified %nF1F5, that's all.


    Please use WinRAR to extract this character!


  8. Touhou Screenpack

    This screenpack is not mine, but from a Chinese author who created it in 2013. I published it since this screenpack was very rare and it was becoming lost media. Unfortunately, we don't know the name of the screenpack, so I simply renamed it "Touhou Screenpack." (It makes many references to MUGEN's four Reimus). It only works for winmugen.
    The screenpack was modified by me and the following improvements are:
    - Fixed some sprites.
    - 290 slots -> 1281 slots.
    - Translated the most important things into English.
    - Some improvements in the executable.
    The compressed file contains everything, it's recommended not to replace the files with your current mugen.


    Original ver: 



  9. Lia for MUGEN 1.X

    - Removed KOINU-ONI-LIA.
    - Removed some functions.

    1.0 AND 1.1 ONLY!
    Here is Lia, a quick edit I made over the past two weeks.
    It makes some references of 8-bit and 16-bit video games.
    This time it is not a cheapie but a character with a fairly strong AI.
    The difference is that Lia has immunity to SuperMoveTime and PauseMoveTime
    and some effects you don't usually find in normal characters.
    I would like to point out that you will find some bugs in the character.


  10. Hi everyone, I would like to introduce myself a little bit since many of you often get confused about what I post (it's normal don't worry) on this fantastic website/forum. 
    I'm Nomi, some already know me from edits I did years ago or from my YouTube videos.
    I have been playing Mugen for 11 years and I still play it because of how customizable and fun the game is. You can really do anything with it!
    I got interested in Mugen by watching Andersonkenya1's videos a while ago, and since I found out that you can put any character I thought I absolutely had to try it out, and from there, well, I joined the Mugen community.
    Shortly after that though, I quickly discovered cheapies, from there I decided to create some of them, but I had no knowledge about programming, so I gave up.
    In 2020 though, I tried again and started programming, and I finally succeeded, my favorite thing to do is somehow find new glitches and break the game.
    Yeah I mean, a lot of people don't like those kinds of things, and I understand that, let's just say I'm one of those pretty weird people in this community.
    From that year on, I've done a lot of cheapies and demos as a "hobby" (anything that's on your mind, you can turn it into reality with this game!)
    I've also met other authors who are very kind and serious when you're struggling with programming, and that's why I'm glued to MUGEN. 

    Another game I played back then was Need For Madness, I created some stages (now lost) and Trackmania. (Yes I loved cars a bit too much).
    And that's it, there is much more to say but I tried to summarize as much as possible.
    I hope you all have a great day! 💙

    • Upvote 5
  11. Incontrol

    View File

    MUGEN 1.1 ONLY!
    There is not much to say about this character, I was very bored and decided to create this character to kill time.
    The character uses Assembly, Lua and DLL for proper operation, a rather strange combination.

    Also, this character restarts MUGEN like some characters do on winmugen, and rest assured, your wallpaper will be saved in the Ext/BackupWallpaper folder.
    If you happen to change a new wallpaper and your old one is still in the BackupWallpaper folder, the character will not save it for you!
    Delete it so the character can backup your new wallpaper.

    It's advisable to set Mugen's resolution to 1:1 or 4:3 (ex: 640x480 or 9260x720), and put DirectX as the rendermode.
    Mugen's window frame color changes only if your PC supports it.
    I hope you will enjoy it.



  12. nihil

    nihil, one of my very first semi-external characters.
    nihil is a character is a hybrid of supernull and hypernull.

    - Nihil only works on MUGEN with title "M.U.G.E.N".
    - Nihil depends on the strength of your PC, if it's weak, Nihil will also be weak.
    - Nihil at p2 can be beaten easily by supernull or forward tier.
    - Errors like "Can't open file", is because these characters defend their path def. Again, it depends on your PC.

    But this one, it is not just any supernull as we all know, rather this version is enhanced.
    There is no need to put the zip file in the chars folder since it already puts it automatically
    when nihil is selected. (This depends on whether you have disabled hypernull in the OPTION.txt file.)
    nihil has two phases, of which:

    - The first phase, Unseal Sickness, is when nihil is first selected. Here the supernull is activated.
    nihil can be beaten by supernull characters at p1 side and tier onwards.

    - The second phase, on the other hand, Pervigilium, is her most powerful form.
    Here the hypernull is activated. In this phase, nihil will eat the souls of your characters.
    You can only make a match. The second match, Mugen will no longer be able to read your characters.
    Here nihil can be defeated by hypernulls and well... postmans since they change the character's files.

    Of course, to avoid problems, I specially put options to disable some features such as static, hypernull and the wallpaper "changer".
    Some times the MUGEN screen will be clearer or a slowdown of the game than expected, this is because the nihil enemy uses very
    strong threads or technologies. It's not a bug.

    A HUGE help on threading. (C++) | CyberAkumaTV / @ CyberAkumaTv
    Explaining overflows. (CMDOF and ZLIB) | SL Zero & PL / @DanteDoomer & @PurpuraBib
    Animated effect/outline for nihil. | Lunar / @LunarMUGEN
    Giving me permission to use his overflow. | Ryori / @0bh61z7TitUAHn5




  13. N-Showcase

    Version: 1.0.0
    This plug-in is created specifically for character showcases.
    The character has 4 categories:

    - AssertSpecial: The functions are activated in real-time, to avoid adding sctrls
    inside your character. These are activated inside the character itself, during the
    development of this plug-in, the threads did not work well, they will probably be
    put back after an update.

    - Explods: This instead is for creating videos,
    it avoids the use of editing. Put the explod you want.

    - Debug: For those who are lazy or forget the shortcuts.
    Useful if you want to check some things.

    - Test Defense: As the name says, this tests your character's defense, these however
    are reserved for cheapies, as these attacks are quite powerful.

    Currently this plug-in only resists %n attacks, if by chance you intend to
    use a character with %f attacks, I suggest you disable them temporarily/during your video.
    Last thing, please don't change the names, files and codes for any reason,
    these are all connected with the plug-in!

    Please feel free to contact me on Twitter (@nomimugen) if there are any problems!
    This is a beta, there will be future updates for its defense and hotfixes.


    Ryori (@0bh61z7TitUAHn5) - For giving me permission to use his overflow!



  14. Cherry

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    A joke character since my birthday is coming up.
    Not much to say, it restarts MUGEN when selected
    and "defeats" the opponent if put p1 side.
    The character uses CMDOF and dll.
    Cherry can be beaten by characters using technologies
    that go against restarting opponents and tampering
    MUGEN's dlls.
    Examples: L-Suwako and CalpWorldEX


    - Nomi 05/14/2023


  15. Beängstigend

    My first assembly-tier cheapie, inspired by Irisu Syndrome.
    To make it work, just open "irimugen.exe", a modified MUGEN that is often not found online...
    It doesn't matter where you put the executable.

    Assembly-tier info:
    "Assembly-tier Cheapies, which come with an alternate mugen.exe,
    usually versions of WinMugen modified through assembly level debuggers such as Ollydbg."




  16. Leekspin

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    MUGEN 1.0 & 1.1 ONLY!
    Just a test for april fools' day. 
    This character is the very first Whale-Tier character for 1.X.
    It is recommended to use DirectX as a rendermode to
    get the full experience.
    OpenGL works, but it starts during the round and can be defeated
    if the opponent uses powerful technologies.
    It is likely that from the first startup, after just putting
    in the roaster the character crashes. Select it and if it
    crashes, restart MUGEN and then it should always work.

    - Nomi 04/01/2023


  17. Undefined Universe

    Version: 3.2c (Perhaps the last update.) | MUGEN 1.1 ONLY.
    It is recommended to read the README-INSTRUCTIONS.txt file first to avoid problems.

    Well... there is not much to say, a port of Infinite Soulabyss for MUGEN 1.1.
    The difference is that Undefined Universe has many more attacks instead of Infinite Soulabyss.
    Undefined Universe is a character to check other character's defense, it should not be used for winning or losing purposes.
    In this version, is now recommended to use DirectX as rendermode.

    It's important to set some options in the "mugen.cfg" file, which is located in the "data" folder.
    Change the following values to ensure that Undefined Universe works properly:
    GameWidth = 640 (or 960)
    GameHeight = 480 (or 720... as long as it's a square.)
    ExplodMax = 4096
    RenderMode = DirectX

    [Showcase (1.20e Showcase)]



  18. - Extravaganza -

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    Meet Extravaganza, a "supernull" and postman for MUGEN 1.0 and 1.1.
    An edit of Remilia, in which she instantly kills her opponents.
    For the first time, I did a collab to create this edit, and I would like to thank MKII,
    for making it possible to create this character.
    This edit is the first postman (at least as far as I know) created on MUGEN 1.X.
    If it crashes as soon as it is selected, restart MUGEN and select it again, it should not crash that much.
    If the opponent uses overflows/exploits in the p1 side, crashes may occur!
    Character heavily inspired by:
    null by KingDemonic666
    Deep Frustration by KaminaMario1-1




  19. Lia


    Here is Lia, a quick edit I made over the past two weeks.
    It makes some references of 8-bit and 16-bit video games. 
    This time it is not a cheapie but a character with a fairly strong AI.
    The difference is that Lia has immunity to SuperMoveTime and PauseMoveTime 
    and some effects you don't usually find in normal characters.
    I would like to point out that you will find some bugs in the character.



    For some reason the first download (uc) doesn't come off and from what I understand a lot of people doesn't work, to download the character download the .rar file directly.


  20. Undefined Universe

    Version: 3.2c | MUGEN 1.1 ONLY.
    It is recommended to read the README-INSTRUCTIONS.txt file first to avoid problems.

    Well... there is not much to say, a port of Infinite Soulabyss for MUGEN 1.1.
    The difference is that Undefined Universe has many more attacks instead of Infinite Soulabyss.
    Undefined Universe is a character to check other character's defense, it should not be used for winning or losing purposes.
    In this version, is now recommended to use DirectX as rendermode.

    It's important to set some options in the "mugen.cfg" file, which is located in the "data" folder.
    Change the following values to ensure that Undefined Universe works properly:
    GameWidth = 640 (or 960)
    GameHeight = 480 (or 720... as long as it's a square.)
    ExplodMax = 4096
    RenderMode = DirectX

    [Showcase (1.20e Showcase)]




  21. RedDevil (New)

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    Warning: EXPECT BUGS!!
    After 3 years RedDevil is back with some new features.
    Since many people liked this edit I thought it was necessary
    to do a remake and this time I tried to do it well compared to the old version.
    RedDevil this time has the following levels:
    Lv1/1p - Normal + Random %n Attack
    Lv3/3p - Normal + Invicibility frames + Stronger attacks
    Lv6/6p - Invincible + Dangerous %n attacks (VirtualProtect)
    Lv9/9p - %n + Automatic Attacks (Similar to ISA)
    Lv11/11p - %f attacks
    Lv12/12p - Instakill
    Lv13/13p - Supernull
    To activate level 13, you have to go to the .def file of RedDevil and then remove the semicolon before st7,
    to deactivate it again instead, put the semicolon back.
    I recommend that you check the file "OPTION.txt" since there are some options that may affect gameplay
    or options that you may find useful.

    Other notices that I did not mention in the RedDevil showcase:

    - RedDevil doesn't have palettes such as 2p, 4p, 7p etc. and will automatically be put at the closest level. For example, if you put the 4th palette, it will be put on the 6th palette right away.

    - When you have already selected a level before and finished the match with an opponent, the portrait will always remain the one you put before even if you change levels. But the level still changes when you start another match.

    Explod Expansion by Choon | @Choon_2i
    Some sprites by CPUGreenSister | @CPUGreenSister


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