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File Comments posted by PierceDoughty

  1. I left you thank you because I like to kill Him so badly and this Yu-gi-oh character some people like them some people don't we all have our own opinions I hate Yu-Gi-Oh characters but I love to kill them all but don't hate me because of it I'm not trying to offend anyone I just have my own opinion.


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  2. Pennywise

       118    6

    Yu-Gi-Oh some people like it some people hate it some people just hate the characters some I just hate the characters we all have our own opinions of what we like and what we don't like not some people likes Yu-Gi-Oh or Pokémon some people like it some people hate it look I am not a kid I'm a grown up only thing I grew up with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Mortal Kombat I was a teenager when Pokemon came out and I still hated it as a teenager I talked with some other people who hate it too Pokemon Yu-Gi-Oh not Everyone likes it just some people but that doesn't mean you should treat me like a lesser person we all have our own opinions.

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