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Files posted by dunsparce530

  1. Joruko-chan

    este es mi personaje original. la verdad me daba verguenza  mostrarles a esta hermosa niña de 20 años. pero haora estaba decidido a compartiles mi personaje original. al descargarla tambien les dejare una nota que dice LEEAME ai conocedan un poco mas a joruko-chan

    english version

    This is my original character. The truth is I was embarrassed to show them this beautiful 20-year-old girl. but now I was determined to share my original character. When you download it I will also leave you a note that says README so you know a little more about Joruko-chan

    1 download

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  2. Nasu Grave

    este es mi personaje favorito de puyo puyo
    madou monogatari. espero que sea de su
    agrado. mañana seguire subiendo mas
    chars no se si me dejen subir mas 
    english version
    this is my favorite puyo puyo character
    madou monogatari. I hope it is yours
    liking. tomorrow I will continue uploading more
    chars I don't know if they'll let me upload more


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  3. San sherard

    ella es del manga anime mamotte! lollipop.
    ella es la chica que levanta un enorme metal sin problemas

    english version
    she is from the anime manga mamotte! lollipop.
    She is the girl who lifts a huge metal without problems


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  4. Dunsparce

    Este es un intento de crear un dunsparce
    en mugen utilizando sprites de los juegos
    oficiales y los de JoshR691. lamentablemente
    no se hacer comandos por lo que tuve
    que usar comando de otro char.
    Espero que lo disfrute realmente
    me esforze mucho. pues es mi
    pokemon favorito. posdata fue creado por mi
    la versión de mugen
    no está especificada
    espero que eso lo haga compatible con cualquier versión
    ya que cuando lo
    cree en Fighter Factory no le puse
    nada en la versión de Mugen
    This is an attempt to create a dunsparce
    in mugen using sprites from the games
    officials and those of JoshR691. unfortunately
    I don't know how to do commands because of what I had
    than use command from another char.
    I hope you really enjoy it
    I tried a lot. well it's my
    favorite pokemon postscript was created by me
    mugen version
    is not specified
    I hope that makes it compatible with any version
    since when it
    believe in Fighter Factory I didn't put it
    nothing in the Mugen version


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    1 comment


  5. Pizza face

    After a long time of absence I finally managed to create Pizza Face, the final boss and main antagonist of Pizza Tower. The reason why it took me so long is because I wanted it to fly from one side to the other. but unfortunately his AI was too dumb for that to work. Well now simply have fun as the final boss of pizza tower español version despues de mucho de ausencia tiempo finalmente logre crear a pizza face el jefe final y antagonista principal de pizza tower. la razon del porque me tarde tanto es porque queria que volada de un lado al otro. pero lamentablemente su ia era muy tonta como para eso funcionara. bueno haora simplemente diviertete con como el jefe final de pizza tower


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    Here's the other character I was creating.
    This is the first boss of Pizza Tower.
    although pepperman was already in mugen as
    a boss type character. well I always wanted to see
    to the current pepperman also in mugen.
    This charcoal was created using cheese slime.
    AngryBirdCooler as a base. now simply
    Have fun with the huge red pepper.

    español version

    aqui esta el otro char que estaba creando.
    se trata del primer jefe de pizza tower.
    si bien pepperman ya estaba en mugen como
    un char tipo jefe pues yo siempre quise ver
    al pepperman actual tambien en mugen.
    este char fue creado usando a cheese slime de
    AngryBirdCooler como base. haora simplemente
    diviertase con el enorme pimiento rojo


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  7. Peddito

    First of all, excuse me for being absent.
    Well I was creating a little piece editing sprite by sprite
    of spaghetti with cucumber and other quickly rising char.
    Peddito was created using AngryBirdCooler's cucumber as a base.
    Obviously it has its differences with the aforementioned char.
    now enjoy the nightmare of doise

    version español

    antes que nada disculpenme por haberme ausentado.
    pues estaba creando a peddito editando sprite por sprite
    de peppino spagheti y otro char mas que subide rapidamente.
    Peddito lo cree usando a peppino de AngryBirdCooler de base.
    obiamente tiene sus diferencias con el char antes mencionado
    haora disfruta de la pesadilla de the doise


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  8. Sunflower fairy new version

    Dark Ruler edit by Dunsparce530
    la version original era muy barata debido al abuso de rayos que disparaba.
    pero haora la equilibre mejor acontinuacion dire los cambios que le hice.

    haora tiene dos ataques fisicos basicos.

    en cuanto a los rayos haora requiere poder y esta vez son 4 diferentes. el primero solo dispara un rayos se nesesita 500 poder. el segundo utiliza 800 poder dispara 4 rayos
    casi dispersados. el
    tercero usa 1300 de poder dispara exactamente igual al
    char original. y el cuarto utiliza 3000 de power lo mismo que el anterior pero
    mucho mas poderoso. ojala y sea de su agrado
    y le den su oportunidad

    english version

    The original version was very cheap due to the abuse of beams it fired.
    But now I have balanced it better, below I will tell you the changes I made to it.

    haora has two basic physical attacks.

    As for the beam haora, it requires power and this time there are 4 different ones. The first one only fires a beam, 500 power is needed. the second uses 800 power fires 4 beam
    almost dispersed. he
    third uses 1300 power shoots exactly the same as
    original char. and the fourth uses 3000 power, the same as the previous one but
    much more powerful. I hope you like it
    and give him his chance


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  9. EagleSabu playable version and more

    autor ShowBuySpirit edit by dunsparce530
    por fin eagle sabu es jugable pero tambien ay mas cambios.
    sus ataques de haz
    los hice mas lentos
    porque el char queradia barato
    disparando a lo
    se le añadio un
    hyper que dispara
    varios haz para conpensar lo antes mencionado se requiere 1500 de poder para usarlo.

    haora tiene 1000 hp
    y 3000 de poder. tambien logre que cuando derrota a un oponente o se acaba el tiempo ya no recupera su hp por completo
    se le añadio 6 colores alternativos
    dando un total de 7.

    eso seria todo lo que tengo que mencionar de eagle sabu. haora disfruta de su version jugable y mas

    english version

    finally eagle sabu is playable but there are also more changes.
    his beam attacks
    I made them slower
    because the char wanted cheap
    shooting at
    was added a
    hyper that shoots
    Several beams to compensate for the aforementioned require 1500 power to use.

    now it has 1000 hp
    and 3000 power. I also achieved that when you defeat an opponent or time runs out you no longer recover your HP completely.
    6 alternative colors were added giving a total of 7.

    That would be all I have to mention about Eagle Sabu. now enjoy its playable version and more


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  10. The Doise

    a simple vista parece un simple spriteswap de the noise
    de AngryBirdCooler pero le añadi algunas cosas diferentes
    como colores totalmente diferentes. se mueve mas lento
    expepto cuando corre. algunos especiales son diferentes.
    hyper que gasta 2000 power haora gasta 3000 y hace mas
    daño. hyper que gasta 3000 power haora requiere 2000 power
    pero hace menos daño. entre otras cosas

    english version

    At first glance it looks like a simple The Noise spriteswap
    from AngryBirdCooler but I added some different things to it
    like totally different colors. moves slower
    except when he runs. some specials are different.
    hyper that spends 2000 power now spends 3000 and does more
    damage. hyper that spends 3000 power now requires 2000 power
    but it does less damage. among other things


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  11. mother poppo (mama poppo)

    ella viene de 100% orange juice.
    esto es lo mas vergonsozo que 
    subire igual espero que sea de su
    agrado. la razo es porque tuve
    serios problemas con el exeso de
    colores por lo que le reduje la cantidad
    de colores pero ala hora de ponerle colores
    alternativos algunos se ven raros. al igual que
    el dunsparce que subi recientemente. usa
    comandos de otros chars.
    pero igual hice mi mejor esfuerzo para que quede bien.
    distrute del primer personaje de 100% orange juice
    para mugen
    english version
    It comes from 100% orange juice.
    this is the most embarrassing thing
    I'll upload anyway I hope it's yours
    liking. the reason is because I had
    serious problems with excess
    colors so it reduces the quantity
    of colors but when it comes to putting colors
    alternatives some look weird. like
    the dunsparce that I uploaded recently. USA
    commands from other characters.
    but I still did my best to make it look good.
    Enjoy the first 100% orange juice character
    for mugen


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