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About HoppyBonzttv

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    West United states

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  1. View File Kannei - Hopdate AI Kannei by Suigin with AI. This one took quite a bit to do because she kept getting into a block lock (And a serious family situation). Hopefully, now it should be resolved. I gave her 2 proper combo stings from her game if she lands the first hit and lots of random variables to have her less predictable. (If you want to make her Less player friendly just delete all the "random" values in her CNS file after "Hoppy's AI" section) Hope you guys enjoy and don't be shy to tell me your thoughts pyon~ Submitter HoppyBonzttv Submitted 08/30/2024 Category Shin Koihime Musou  
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Kannei by Suigin with AI. This one took quite a bit to do because she kept getting into a block lock (And a serious family situation). Hopefully, now it should be resolved. I gave her 2 proper combo stings from her game if she lands the first hit and lots of random variables to have her less predictable. (If you want to make her Less player friendly just delete all the "random" values in her CNS file after "Hoppy's AI" section) Hope you guys enjoy and don't be shy to tell me your thoughts pyon~
  3. Version 1.1.0


    Here's Shaoren by Suigin with AI! She took a while to code because some of her animations caused her to freeze up so took some time to phase that out of her. (Hopefully) Hope you guys have fun playing against her. (Player friendly AI) (If there is any issues with her AI just let me know pyon~)
  4. View File Shaoren - Hopdate AI Here's Shaoren by Suigin with AI! She took a while to code because some of her animations caused her to freeze up so took some time to phase that out of her. (Hopefully) Hope you guys have fun playing against her. (Player friendly AI) (If there is any issues with her AI just let me know pyon~) Submitter HoppyBonzttv Submitted 08/19/2024 Category Shin Koihime Musou  
  5. View File Sonken - Hopdate AI Here's Suigin's Sonken with an actual AI. Some of her combos from her original game didn't seem to want to transfer correctly so I created some standard simple ones that have a more likely chance to land on other characters. I'll be trying to make these AI "player friendly" (a player can beat her) from here on out. (Not into making busted characters just fun ones to fight against pyon~) ps. AI is not limited to just 1 assist. Hope you guys enjoy pyon!~ Submitter HoppyBonzttv Submitted 08/18/2024 Category Shin Koihime Musou  
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Here's Suigin's Sonken with an actual AI. Some of her combos from her original game didn't seem to want to transfer correctly so I created some standard simple ones that have a more likely chance to land on other characters. I'll be trying to make these AI "player friendly" (a player can beat her) from here on out. (Not into making busted characters just fun ones to fight against pyon~) ps. AI is not limited to just 1 assist. Hope you guys enjoy pyon!~
  7. View File Sai - Hoppy AI (Hopdate) Here is my way of giving back to the Mugen community, this is my first AI edit of a character I liked the looks of (and hopefully more). I couldn't find any aggressive AI of this character so I decided to take it upon myself to make him more aggressive. (He was just too passive IMO. ) Hope you guys enjoy my first A.I and much thanks to HM for doing the real work. Original author - HM Will accept feedback to help me improve on my mugen endeavors . ^^ Submitter HoppyBonzttv Submitted 08/15/2024 Category Akatsuki Blitzkampf  
  8. Version 1.0.0


    Here is my way of giving back to the Mugen community, this is my first AI edit of a character I liked the looks of (and hopefully more). I couldn't find any aggressive AI of this character so I decided to take it upon myself to make him more aggressive. (He was just too passive IMO. ) Hope you guys enjoy my first A.I and much thanks to HM for doing the real work. Original author - HM (I also included the original to compare for yourselves about my AI capabilities) Will accept feedback to help me improve on my mugen endeavors . ^^
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