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RedMugen Screenpack [176 Slots]


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RedMugen Screenpack [176 Slots]

OP's note:

"This is an edit of Low-res-Blue-Mugen 1.1 by OldGamer (https://mugenarchive.com/forums/down...0-1-1-oldgamer)!

This edit was mainly focused on expanding the number of slots on the character select screen, changing the layout of the css to be a bit easier to navigate, and making minor tweaks to some of the other menus, mainly out of personal preference. I also changed all the pallets to a light red, because i got tired of the blue, lmao. The only known issue as of right now is that if you are doing a turn or simultaneous based team match, the character names on the css will overlap the character portraits a bit.

This screenpack is intended for a 4:3 aspect ratio. If you stretch it, the pixels will cry!

I edited this for my own personal use, and just to get a lil bit of experience doing some basic editing in FighterFactory, and thought I would upload it. Please enjoy!"


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